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I’m Alexis, Founder of RunningMyBestLife! My mission is to help new enthusiasts fall in love with the sport of running. I believe that running is a catalyst to taking control of your life and living your best life by design.
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You’ve decided you want to run a half marathon, but you’re not sure where to start. Get the 11 action steps you need to start half marathon training. Whether you’re running your first half marathon or your tenth, how to fuel a half marathon for your best performance tends to be an art, guided by the latest science…. When I decided in 2018 to run my first half marathon, I was pretty clueless. The farthest I had run before my training program started was 6.2 miles. I had… When preparing for a marathon, most runners focus on building up their mileage and strength, often overlooking a crucial aspect of their training – hydration. Managing your hydration levels properly… As winter’s icy fingers claim the landscape, many runners are confronted by the chilling reality of training and competing in harsh, frigid conditions. However, winter needn’t be a menace to… In the current era where technology has permeated every facet of our lives, it is no surprise that it has also made significant inroads into the fitness world. One area… Running a marathon is both a significant physical and mental challenge. It requires rigorous training and meticulous dietary preparation to ensure peak performance. This article aims to provide you with… Embarking on your running journey requires not just courage and determination, but also the right gear. One of the most crucial pieces of gear is your running shoes – they… After running several half marathons, I started to get this crazy idea that I could run a full marathon. There are plenty of people who do it, so why not… These hydration tips for summer running will give you ideas to make sure you stay hydrated while running in the summer heat. Hydration is always important for runners in every… Pace your half marathon with a smart strategy to help ensure you have a successful race. The longer your race distance is, the more important pacing becomes. By planning out… The purpose of this Ultimate Direction Women’s Race Vesta review is to provide details on the hydration vest and help you make an informed buying decision. As your runs get… The recovery week is a useful tool to help runners build their weekly mileage to gain peak fitness, while ensuring their body can handle the training and avoid injury. Training… High protein snacks for runners can help keep some variety in your diet and garner all the important benefits of protein. As runners, we’re usually pretty good at eating carbohydrates… Creating a custom training plan to guide your running isn’t as hard as it sounds. You just have to start with the basics and then make small tweaks. Why not…11 Things You Need to Know When You Start Training for Your Half Marathon
The Complete Nutrition Guide on How to Fuel a Half Marathon
How to Survive Your First Half Marathon
Nailing Your Marathon Hydration Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide
Conquering Marathons in the Cold: A Comprehensive Guide
Harnessing the Power of Technology for Successful Marathon Training
Mastering the Marathon: The Ultimate Guide to Nutrition and Training
Ultimate Guide to the Top 5 Running Shoes for Beginners in 2023
Transitioning from the Half to Full Marathon: 7 Critical Factors for Success
6 Smart Hydration Tips for Running in the Summer Heat
How to Pace Your Half Marathon with 4 Simple Strategies
Ultimate Direction Women’s Race Vesta Review
What is a Recovery Week and How it Can Boost Your Running
High Protein Snacks for Runners: 9 Best Foods to Boost Protein Intake
How to Create a Custom Training Plan for You